Dana’s Ruler Spanking

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on May 16th, 2024 by bdsm-club_support

Dana is preparing for class and while taking out her books a pack of cigarettes falls from her backpack. When Ms. Burns comes to see how she is doing she finds them on the floor and confronts Dana. Ms. Burns gets Dana up from her seat and bends her over the desk for a hard spanking with a yardstick on her bare bottom. Afterward, she is placed in time out for the remainder of the class period.
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Janelle’s Punishment Continues

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on March 31st, 2024 by bdsm-club_support

Mr. Daniels administers further discipline for playing pranks on the other girls.
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Monica: Sent To See Mr. Daniels

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on March 30th, 2024 by bdsm-club_support

Monica is sent to Mr. Daniels’ office for a hard caning for being disruptive during class.
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Ella’s Punishment From The Dean (part 2 Of 2)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on February 16th, 2024 by bdsm-club_support

The Dean returns and blisters Ella’s bottom with a leather strap and then leaves her in time-out.
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Real Spankings – Lilith: Spanked By Mr. M (part 1 Of 2)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on January 10th, 2024 by bdsm-club_support

Lilith is placed kneeling on a chair in the living room and given a hard stapping over her jeans. Not satisfied, Mr. M tells her to get to her room and wait in her pj’s.
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Real Spankings – Faces: Maggy

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on January 2nd, 2024 by bdsm-club_support

Maggy kneels on a chair fully nude and is spanked by Betty with the boudoir paddle.
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Maggy & Lilith: Spanked For Kitchen Duties (part 3 Of 4)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on November 25th, 2023 by bdsm-club_support

The Dean finds both girls in the kitchen cleaning. Not satisfied, he bends Maggy over the counter and spanks her bottom with the wooden spoon.
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Ella & Lynn: Slacking In Class (part 2 Of 4)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on November 12th, 2023 by bdsm-club_support

Ella and Lynn switch positions and she now is writing lines and receiving a hand spanking on her bottom. Miss Betty leaves the girls working on their book reports to see how far they can get with proper motivation.
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Ella & Lynn: Slacking In Class (part 1 Of 4)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on November 8th, 2023 by bdsm-club_support

Ella and Lynn are sent to the office, having been spanked already, to be supervised doing their late assignments. Miss Betty attempts to help with some focus, so she has Ella write lines as she is being spanked.
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Maggy & Lilith: Spanked For Kitchen Duties (part 4 Of 4)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on October 24th, 2023 by bdsm-club_support

Lilith assumes the position for her wooden spoon punishment. The Dean then sends the girls back to work with bruised bottoms.
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Real Spankings – Maggy & Kiki: Spanked Together (part 1 Of 4)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on September 24th, 2023 by bdsm-club_support

Maggy and Kiki arrive home after being at the water park all day. They conveniently forgot to tell Betty or Michael where they were going. Betty wastes no time and has the girls bend over on the couch. She begins with Maggy and gives her a hard hand spanking over her bathing suit and bare bottom.
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Real Spankings – Maggy & Kiki: Spanked Together (part 2 Of 4)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on September 14th, 2023 by bdsm-club_support

Betty moves over to Kiki and delivers the same hand spanking on her bikini bottoms and bare butt. Both girls are then sent to Kiki’s room to wait for Michael to deal with them further.
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Lynn: Spanked In The Dean’s Office (part 2 Of 2)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on July 31st, 2023 by bdsm-club_support

Miss Betty continues the punishment on Lynn’s bare bottom with the tawse leaving her red and sore.
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Real Spankings – Stella & Maya: Faces (part 2 Of 2)

Posted in Spanking & Whipping on July 27th, 2023 by bdsm-club_support

Stella then kneels on the chair to receive the same punishment on her wedgied panties with the boudoir paddle. This punishment leaves her in tears.
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