Dungeon Corp – Audrey Lords – Dont Cheat on Otto
Posted in BDSM on April 23rd, 2020 by bdsm-club_supportWe decided to add a bit of a storyline to this shoot…who doesnt like a little drama with thier bondage? Otto and Audrey pull it off well with the help of a few other characters…In this story, Audrey is Otto’s cheating girlfriend…and he has been suspicious of Audrey and her time away from him…So, he and Brad wait outside the body shop of a little guy who Otto thinks is shoplifting his pussy…and there they are…in his car…The little guy gets punched and Brad takes care of him so Audrey and Otto can figure shit out…She doesnt want to lose Otto…she’s one of those chics who wants a serious boyfriend, but she also wants to fuck around…chics like this often use sex to calm thier jealous partners and Audrey does her best to calm him…Otto struggles to even allow her to touch him…but she works her way in and eventually she has some semblance of control back…it’s hard to say no to a manipulative woman who has your heart and your cock in her pocket…but Otto knows she’ll do anything to keep him too…they spend the day fucking and trying to find thier way…but mostly, they just enjoy thier bipolar love affair and the sexual power frenzy that follows…But let me just remind you all that Otto and Audrey and both paid performers who acted out this drama as entertainers…and they did a great job.
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