Are You Sure You Want To Suffer?

Posted in Femdom on December 7th, 2013 by bdsm-club_support

Duration: 00:05:46
File size: 1054 Mb
Format: mp4

When you are grocery shopping minding your own business and notice a cute young girl down the aisle in tight clothing looking all soft and feminine, do you ever wonder to yourself is she a slave owner? Is she all cute and proper in public and yet ruthless and dominant to men in private? Well, why do you think girls like Sofie here wear their tiny school girl dresses and tight shirts out in public? She knows it makes men powerless to her whims, after which enslaving them is a simple task. She isn’t completely heartless though, she knows even men have to eat so she permits them to take a second job and keep the earnings from it, but all paychecks from a male pet’s primary job get deposited directly into her account as part of their slavery to her. Additionally because of how many men vie to be part of her stable of slaves she insists that all men in her life regularly suffer for her. To her, the favorite form of torture is electrocuting a man’s penis. After all for many years past a penis was a symbol of power, now it’s nothing but a symbol of weakness, an appendage used by women to torture and enslave men with the greatest of ease. That’s what this slave is learning right about now as he screams from the voltage Sofie is applying directly to his cock. The pain is excruciating but he knows to not endure it for her means to be dismissed and replaced by another male pig waiting in line. So he suffers while Sofie smiles, as she ponders how she will spend this pig’s weekly paycheck.


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