Brutal Master – Carmen Rough | 1 July 2020
If there is one thing we love here in HELL!, it is a bitch who readily admits she is broken and understands that is why she is here to suffer. That pretty much sums up Carmen Rough and her reasons for coming to HELL!
She puts it bluntly, “I know I am broken.” But the broken package is perfect to work over, including an ass that is made for the cane and, of course, all that red hair. (Something about the welts and bruises on a red head that make it all so much better!)
This session happened literally minutes after this cunt arrived in HELL! and you can see by her reaction, this is exactly what she was craving. That is not to say it wasn’t intense, just the opposite.
Her treatment was vicious, brutal, sadistic — you know, all the things one would expect from a visit to HELL! by a broken little bitch. Carmen Rough’s first time in HELL!