“I get high with a little help from my friends.”
What better way for to illustrate what a piece of meat Dog is than by stringing her up, upside down, just like, well, a piece of meat.
Yeah, we said that.
And who better to help than our friend, Bosch – Dog is in HELL! and Bosch is helping torture the bitch. Being hung up is painful, degrading, and dehumanizing. Being hung upside down increases all of that objectification a hundred-fold. Add to that, it is disorienting, so a cunt literally begins to lose the perspective of up and down.
Just the way we like it in HELL!
Then the actual torture begins. Whipped, caned, punished, beaten, all while swinging on a rope like the sub-human piece of shit she is. By the end, Dog was a moaning slab to meat with a wet cunt.
This is how cunts suffer in HELL!, and all for your amusement.
Special thanks to Bosch for helping make Dog suffer even more than usual.
Dog Strung Up Side Down in HELL!